SEP 15—NOV 12, 2023


The Scope of Things is an exhibition featuring work from six professors and six alums. Each alum was nominated by a professor that they worked closely with during their time at Hampshire. By pairing the work in conversation with each other, the exhibition hopes to exemplify how the relationships formed through educational scenarios can impact and mold the visual language of both teacher and student. Whether through technique, medium, color, or content, these works have commonalities. Although they present themselves in varying ways, when placed within the same space, sharing walls, these pieces force us to examine how our community shapes our artistic practice.

Baba Hillman I Miatta Kawinzi 07S

Gregory Kline I Chris Cole 07F

Abraham Ravett I Neil Young 94F

Daniel Schrade I Naomi Romm 12F

John Slepian I Riley Ames 14F

Kane Stewart I Carly Ries 05F

Robert Seydel. Walter Benjamin + Asja Lacis, H3 from the Typologies Group series in ‘A Short History of Portraiture.’ 1994. Photomontage. © 2024 Estate of Robert Seydel.